by Carlos_ | 31/10/2022 | Blog
Cannabis: Let’s see how to maximize the yields ofour plants by using 1,000 W LED spotlights. Cannabis: maximizing production. What is an ledThe most suitable light spectra for horticultureUses of LEDs in horticulture; temperature managementUse of LEDs in indoor...
by Carlos_ | 25/10/2022 | Blog
Also called Harvest Moon in Spain, Hunter’s Moon in America and Grass Moon Dying Elsewhere, in October we truly enter autumn. It is the month of the migration of birds to warmer lands and the time of mushrooms, rain permitting. Cultivating our orchards and...
by Carlos_ | 18/10/2022 | Blog
Necrosis caused by the fungus Pythium was first described in 1930 and is today a widespread problem in many plants. In cannabis it is an increasingly common problem especially in indoor crops. Cannabis: damage from Pythium spp. What is PythiumPythium reproductive...
by Carlos_ | 14/10/2022 | Blog
The full moon of November is known in Spain as Luna del cazador, Lone of the beaver in America and Lone of the frost or of the long night in other places. In November we are in the middle of autumn andthe shortening of days, the drop in temperatures and the increase...
by Carlos_ | 06/10/2022 | Blog
Image of peas in a bowl Let’s see the management of this crop with FERTIHOUSE fertilizers. With the pea we can make plantations in pots of at least 40 liters planting 4-6 plants of varieties of half enrame. In soil we will choose the one we like the most...